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Staying Connected to your Study Abroad Experience

Become a Student Ambassador for SSA.

This is a great opportunity to stay connected to your own study abroad experiences, share those experiences with others and promote SSA programs to your peers.

Volunteer to work on campus or in the Spanish-speaking community.

Your experience abroad has broken language barriers at home as much as it did in your host country. You can join or create a volunteer organization or interest groups designed to help the Spanish-speaking communities in and around your university or hometown.

Continue learning and using Spanish.

The best way to maintain and develop the language skills that you have acquired while abroad is to take higher level Spanish courses, join or create a Spanish language club, and integrate conversational Spanish into your daily with other Spanish-speaking friends. It may also be very beneficial to keep up your vocabulary by continuing to read regularly in Spanish.

Continue learning more about your host country.

Use your firsthand knowledge of your host country as a basis for taking related courses such as geography, history and international relations. Build on your knowledge by reading newspapers and books, viewing films, and basing research projects and papers on your host culture. Use additional information gained in these ways to make presentations about your experience more interesting.

Investigate careers or internships building on your international experience.

Whether domestic or international, any internship or job will see your experience abroad as a stepping stone towards better communication skills and holistic awareness in any of your fields of interest. Visit your university’s study abroad office or career development center to get the support you need to pursue the internship or career path most suited to your interests. Every potential employer needs bright, independent thinkers with good international skills.

Keep in touch.

Write your friends in your host country; address and stamp at least two envelopes so you write at least twice a year! Keep up-to-date by sending photos. Write a letter to your host institution explaining what the experience meant to you. Subscribe to a host country newspaper or read current issues in the library or on-line. Plan a return visit to your host country or invite friends to come see you in your home city.

Integrate the best of the two cultures.

Don't feel you must give up one at the expense of the other!

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After study abroad: make the most of your study abroad experience: get career support, become an ambassador, request a transcript, and more.

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